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Apparel and Textile Marketing Schools in the Midwest

In 2024, we ranked 9 schools offering apparel and textile marketing majors in Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. team ranks Iowa State University (Ames, IA), University of Nebraska Lincoln, and Wayne State University (Detroit, MI) the best three apparel marketing schools in the Midwest.

See the best 9 apparel marketing schools and colleges in the Midwest below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Midwest.

Top 9 apparel marketing schools in the Midwest:

Iowa State University - Marketing School Ranking
1. Iowa State University

Ames, IA, 1 apparel marketing program

University of Nebraska Lincoln - Marketing School Ranking
2. University of Nebraska Lincoln

Lincoln, NE, 1 apparel marketing program

Wayne State University - Marketing School Ranking
3. Wayne State University

Detroit, MI, 1 apparel marketing program

South Dakota State University - Marketing School Ranking
4. South Dakota State University

Brookings, SD, 1 apparel marketing program

North Dakota State University - Marketing School Ranking
5. North Dakota State University

Fargo, ND, 2 apparel marketing programs

Indiana Institute of Technology - Marketing School Ranking
6. Indiana Institute of Technology

Fort Wayne, IN, 1 apparel marketing program

Southeast Missouri State University - Marketing School Ranking
7. Southeast Missouri State University

Cape Girardeau, MO, 1 apparel marketing program

Northwest Missouri State University - Marketing School Ranking
8. Northwest Missouri State University

Maryville, MO, 1 apparel marketing program

Indiana Institute of Technology College of Professional Studies - Marketing School Ranking

Apparel & textile marketing schools in the Midwest by state:

Schools by State2 Apparel Marketing Schools in Indiana1 Apparel Marketing Schools in Iowa1 Apparel Marketing Schools in Michigan2 Apparel Marketing Schools in Missouri1 Apparel Marketing Schools in Nebraska1 Apparel Marketing Schools in North Dakota1 Apparel Marketing Schools in South Dakota

Apparel marketing schools in other regions:

Northeast: 1 school
Northwest: 3 schools
South: 9 schools
Southeast: 5 schools
West: 31 schools

Popular marketing school cities in the Midwest:

in Illinois:
Aurora: 1 school
Champaign: 2 schools
Chicago: 12 schools
Dekalb: 1 school
Evanston: 1 school
Lisle: 1 school
Normal: 1 school
Peoria: 1 school
in Indiana:
Evansville: 2 schools
Hammond: 1 school
Indianapolis: 3 schools
Muncie: 1 school
Notre Dame: 2 schools
West Lafayette: 1 school
in Iowa:
Ames: 1 school
Ankeny: 1 school
Cedar Falls: 1 school
Cedar Rapids: 3 schools
Davenport: 1 school
Des Moines: 2 schools
Iowa City: 1 school
in Kansas:
Lawrence: 1 school
Manhattan: 1 school
Wichita: 3 schools
in Michigan:
Allendale: 1 school
Big Rapids: 1 school
Dearborn: 1 school
Detroit: 3 schools
East Lansing: 1 school
Flint: 3 schools
Grand Rapids: 5 schools
Kalamazoo: 2 schools
Midland: 1 school
Mount Pleasant: 1 school
Rochester Hills: 1 school
Warren: 1 school
Ypsilanti: 1 school
in Minnesota:
Duluth: 2 schools
Mankato: 1 school
Minneapolis: 5 schools
Saint Cloud: 3 schools
Saint Paul: 7 schools
Winona: 3 schools
in Missouri:
Maryville: 1 school
Saint Charles: 1 school
Saint Louis: 8 schools
Springfield: 4 schools
Warrensburg: 1 school
in Nebraska:
Bellevue: 1 school
Crete: 1 school
Lincoln: 3 schools
Omaha: 3 schools
in North Dakota:
Fargo: 2 schools
Grand Forks: 1 school
in Ohio:
Akron: 1 school
Athens: 1 school
Bowling Green: 1 school
Cincinnati: 4 schools
Cleveland: 4 schools
Columbus: 6 schools
Dayton: 3 schools
Kent: 1 school
Kettering: 1 school
Oxford: 1 school
Toledo: 2 schools
University Heights: 1 school
Youngstown: 1 school
in Wisconsin:
Eau Claire: 2 schools
Kenosha: 3 schools
La Crosse: 3 schools
Madison: 2 schools
Milwaukee: 5 schools
Oshkosh: 1 school
River Falls: 1 school
Whitewater: 1 school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology